Monday, September 26, 2011

The Drawing of the Three

This past week I started reading the drawing of the three by Stephen king. It is about a man, the gunslinger, who finds himself in a rather odd situation where he is able to see into a persons mind through a doorway. This ability makes me think of my own life in a way because sometimes I feel like I'm looking into my own life from the outside. I think this feeling is good though because I am able to just take a chill pill and step back and take a look at the bigger picture and analyze what I'm doing right and what I could be doing better at.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sentences of the Month

1. "Gay people don't actually try to convert people. That's Jehovah's Witnesses you're thinking of." Bossypants, Tina Fey
2."When I arrived in jPod the next morning, I found that my keypad's keys had been rearranged in the following configuration:

3. "I shot my own future. In the stomach."

I hate jehovahs witnesses ive done that to someones keyboard and I shot my future in the stomach (not really)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Claims of the Day!

1. In Fighting Gravity’s final Performance on America’s Got Talent, the voiceless and light dancers use graceful, upbeat, and a unique technique that expresses a new and an explosive futuristic type of dance.
2. Homesteads winter guard performance, Breakbeats Pulse of the Underground, uses bright energetic performance, aggressive clean movement, intensive strong upbeat dance, and confident clean posture to woo the audience watching.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Close Reading of Team iLuminate (Dance)

 -Legs:  jerky, elegant
 -Arms: distinct

Choreography: strange and unusual, but still breath-taking
Use of Space: rapidly changing, clever, roaming
Technique: clean, precise, alert
 CLAIM: Team iLuminate’s performance on NBC’s Americas Got Talent the groups [jerky but elegant movements, strange and breath-taking choreography, and rapid roaming use of space]


CLAIM: express [a sense of aggressive romance and intense ghoulishness.]

Friday, September 16, 2011


Pages this week: 150
Pages this semester: 598

Sentences of the Week:

"It's weird, but every time I visit the Drudge Report website, I'm the fifty-millionth person to visit it, so there must be a software error on their part, because how could they possibly have more than one fifty-millionth visitor?"

- JPod, Douglas Coupland

"Kill the wabbit."

-JPod, Douglas Coupland

"When I arrived in jPod the next morning, I found that my keypad's keys had been rearranged in the following configuration:


- JPod, Douglass Coupland

This book is hilarious I think I laughed out loud in class durring SSR time at all of these. The first one mostly because this is interjected randomly in the middle of a story and this has happened to me before too!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Saturday Night Live

Today in Tina Fey’s Bossypants I learned a few interesting facts about the writers at Saturday Night Live. Apparently a few of the guy writers don’t have time to walk to the restroom which Fey makes a joke that the bathroom is about as far away as you are from this book, which I think is pretty funny. Instead of using the restroom they just pee in cups and leave them sitting around there office. Tina says she found one on the bookcase of her boss’s office when she was pulling out an old script for him to look at then promptly collected all the cups and threw them away. I think that kind of habit is disgusting! Especially leaving multiple cups sit around those fumes get in the air and could probably make you very very sick! In the book it says that Tina once saw a whole JAR of pee on one of the sets with the lid sealed and everything. If I walked onto a set and saw that I would probably lose my breakfast, and I don’t even eat breakfast that’s how gross it is! I’m upset that im almost finished with this book because it has been sooo funny!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Animal Farm

This weekend I read all of Animal Farm in one day! This is the first time I have ever completed a whole chapter book in one day, I believe. The book is basically a satire of the Russian Revolution. The animals of Manor Farm take over and start their own, and gradually things get twisted and corrupted until they are back where they started in square one. The book was really interesting I thought. Every time I tried to set it down I found myself wanting to find out what happened next because it seemed like every other page there was a huge plot change. This book really makes me think what would have happened to America if this is what actually happened. Everything would be so much different I don’t even know if I would’ve been born! It’s very scary to think what if I never existed. Over and out.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Books This Week: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, Charles Yu.
Pages This Week: 100

Pages This Semester: 233

Sentences of the Week:

All quotes are from How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, Charles Yu;

1. "It's your story, numbnuts."

2. "She is The Woman My Mother Should Have Been."

3. "I shot my own future. In the stomach."

This week most of what I read included lots of paradoxes so I was very confused most of the time. I find it interesting that in this book he talks to himself in the future, which is what the first sentence is. That is what I think makes this book so interesting.