Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

In the excerpt from Stardust the words contains a very straight-forward description of a town named Wall that has a very primitive feel with huts instead of houses and tracks instead of roads. The language is very common and familiar with words like building, tree, and house. The diction is neither very musical nor very harsh. It is somewhere in the middle. Contrasting from this the excerpt from Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian the diction is very high and I don't think I know what all the words mean such as swale and sprent. The words flow sort of like it’s a poem but the words are very harsh such as gnashing, thunderclap and bitter. The excerpt from Stephen King's The Drawing of the Three uses very low and vulgar words to describe a man’s despicable predicament. The words are very picturesque I can even imagine what King describes. The excerpt uses both harsh and musical words for a nice mix that makes it flow.

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