Friday, November 11, 2011


Yes the emoticon is extremely necessary! This is my last currently post that I will ever make for this class. I have yet to decide if I will continue my blog after this class and have spent a long time thinking about it. When I first started this class I WAS NOT a committed reader. I only read my school books half the time and I never read for leisure. I would only read when it was required and I would only read in places that were noisy so I never got into the works whatsoever. During this semester I did all sorts of reading from Tina Fey’s Bossypants to Stephen King’s The Gunslinger. It was quite to my surprise that any book I picked up I enjoyed for, and for the most part it was extremely easy to fill my weekly quota. In a few cases I finished my reading for a whole week in one sitting. I actually read an entire book in one setting this semester which is something that I have never done in my entire life (not counting story books). Most of the time I found myself reading whenever I got a break from other homework, practice, and work. I discovered that while I was reading I did not have the urge to check facebook or send a few text messages. I would be so into my reading that sometimes I would look at the clock and notice that hours had pasts that just felt like minutes. I talked to my parents about my most recent readings be Stephen King, because they were interested in reading it too, which I think is pretty cool.

The Gunslinger takes the Final Bow :D

Well this is officially my last blog posts. I feel like I never have any time to blog, but when I find the time its really fun! I am somewhat upset that after this it will be over. Right now I am in the process of reading The Gunslinger by Stephen King. I ended up starting this series by randomly picking up the second book The Drawing of the Three, which is a very creepy but awesome book. I liked it so much that I have decided that I am going to read the whole series, and I put the next few books on my Christmas List! I sure hope Santa delivers! While reading the first book I learned more about the characters in the second book, especially the gunslinger. (No kidding right?) I also learned about some of the characters that came up in the second book that I had no clue who they were and what there part played. So through all of this jumble I have learned that you should always read a series in order otherwise you don't get the whole story. Blogger Dalton over and out!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Currently from 11/4/11

*Mr. Hill I realized that my currently post did not save from last week so this is it*

Sentences of the Week:

1. "Dizzying constellations, cold fire in every primary hue."
- The Gunslinger, Stephen King

2. "Lend me your wings, bird. I'll spread them and fly on the thermals."
- The Gunslinger, Stephen King

3. "It had been four days, and they had gone by in a blinking haze. He ate. He slept. He had sex with Allie."
- The Gunslinger, Stephen King

This week was mostly about nice dreamy pictures. I especially like the first one because I can imagine a star in each of the primary colors and its just beautiful.